Category: Health

Outbreak of coronavirus causes 50% drop in lung cancer referrals


Following the outbreak of coronavirus in March, Cancer Research UK has revealed that lung cancer referrals have dropped by an astonishing 50% during the pandemic.

This statistic is a huge cause for concern given that lung cancer remains one of the deadliest forms of cancer, and early diagnosis is absolutely critical when it comes to the best chances of survival.

There are a number of different factors contributing to this shocking statistic, and one of the main ones is understood to be similarities between lung cancer and coronavirus symptoms. Both illnesses can cause a persistent cough, a lack of energy, and breathlessness. Patients with these symptoms could be assuming that it is simply a case of coronavirus and they may not visit their GP to check if it could be lung cancer.

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Concerns over anti-depressants prescriptions for children

anti-depressants prescriptions for children

It has recently been revealed that the NHS has issued 1,572 anti-depressants prescriptions for children under the age of 5.

This statistic seems concerningly high for children of such a young age, and further research into the effects of anti-depressants on children has shown there could be little benefit, if any, of using the drugs.

The rising number of anti-depressants prescriptions for children could be a cause for concern, as they are usually only be prescribed under close supervision. It could mean there are less children who have access to specialist mental health services. The increased number of anti-depressant prescriptions for children could be a direct result of longer waiting times for these services.

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Medical Negligence Claim Process

medical negligence claim process

We know how damaging medical negligence can be, which is why we, the Medical Negligence Lawyers, make the medical negligence claim process simple.

Ultimately, we are here to help you to get the justice that you deserve. Let us tell you a bit about how we can help you here.

Going into surgery knowing the potential risks can be scary enough without the added complication of medical experts failing you as one example. When you suffer due to the negligence of a medical professional, we are here to make sure that you are represented for a claim for compensation for any personal injury sustained and for any losses that might have occurred as well.

Read More “Medical Negligence Claim Process”

Royal Derby Hospital Gynaecologist investigation advice

nhs trusts medical errors report

A Royal Derby Hospital Gynaecologist has recently been under investigation over potential, alleged cases of medical negligence up to June 2018.

The investigation has reportedly been looking into 272 former patients so far, with several potential cases of patients being ‘unnecessarily harmed’ during major surgery being put under further review. The surgeries being looked into are for serious matters including hysterectomies, prolapse repairs and ovary removals.

NHS England, which oversees care across the country, is conducting an external review of the consultant’s surgeries to establish the total number of patients who may require further investigation. The investigation looks to have been slightly delayed due to COVID-19, but the Royal Derby Hospital and NHS Trust have advised that all women who may need further investigation should be contacted by early October 2020.

Read More “Royal Derby Hospital Gynaecologist investigation advice”

Breast cancer compensation claims advice

breast cancer compensation

A breast cancer compensation claim is a serious matter. We can represent eligible clients for cases on a No Win, No Fee basis, and we are here to help.

We appreciate that this is a tough experience to go through, but the law is on your side. If you have suffered any injury or loss as a result of negligence arising from any diagnosis or treatment related to cancer, you could be entitled to claim compensation.

A legal case for compensation can allow for some form of justice to be received for what a patient has to go through. Here is how we can help.

Read More “Breast cancer compensation claims advice”

Compensation for a diagnosis error

compensation for a diagnosis error

You could be entitled to claim compensation for a diagnosis error, and we may be able to represent you for a legal case on a No Win, No Fee basis.

If you have been the victim of an incident of negligence, and this has caused you to suffer, that is when you may be able to claim. In this article, we can briefly advise you about when you could claim and what you could claim for. We can also outline how you can access our free and no-obligation advice, and about our No Win, No Fee representation too.

As specialist medical negligence lawyers, we are here to help you.

Read More “Compensation for a diagnosis error”

Private treatment for medical negligence compensation claims

private treatment for medical negligence

In some cases, we may be able to arrange for private treatment for medical negligence compensation claims as part of the No Win, No Fee package for clients.

In this article, we can briefly outline when you could be eligible to make use of private treatment and how the costs can work for this. We can look at when you could get the other side to pay for the costs as part of a claim, or at least have treatment fees delayed until the end of a successful case.

We will also tell you how you can speak to our team for free and no-obligation advice about making a medical negligence compensation claim today.

Read More “Private treatment for medical negligence compensation claims”

Hernia mesh claims for compensation

hernia mesh claims

We can represent eligible clients for hernia mesh claims for compensation on a No Win, No Fee basis, and it’s important that victims have the right to seek the justice that they deserve.

In this article, we will briefly outline when you could be eligible to launch a case with us. We can give you some scenarios where you could be entitled to compensation, and we can also briefly look at what you could claim for as well.

You can also speak to our team today for free and no-obligation about your options for claiming.

Read More “Hernia mesh claims for compensation”

Long hospital waiting times

waiting times

In the winter months, there are always concerns over long hospital waiting times which can stem from shortages of beds and staff.

There’s usually an increase in the number of people who require care in colder months which is why the shortages can occur. Although some patients can wait for longer when it comes to non-urgent matters, the worry is when something more urgent is missed.

In some cases, a delayed diagnosis or delayed treatment can lead to complications. It’s these cases where this isn’t identified that can cause problems and lead to cases of negligence against the NHS.

Read More “Long hospital waiting times”

Mental health negligence claims


As well as needing to talk about our mental health, we also need to make sure that we talk about, and address, mental health negligence claims.

Mental health has never been more prevalent than it this day and age. It’s not the misunderstood and sometimes even taboo topic that it used to be. With World Mental Health Day passing last week, we wanted to briefly talk about the issues surrounding diagnosis and treatment, and how they tie in with claims for compensation.

In the same way that a lack of treatment or a lack of a diagnosis for a physical ailment can leave patients suffering more, and suffering worse, the same can be said about our mental health as well.

Read More “Mental health negligence claims”

Charing Cross Gender Identity Clinic email leak

email leak

If you have been affected by the Charing Cross Gender Identity Clinic email leak, we may be able to assist you with a claim for compensation.

We also deal with medical data breach compensation claims, which are still cases involving elements of medical negligence. Cases work in a very similar way as they do with injury claims, where we can represent you on a No Win, No Fee basis.

If you were a victim of the GIC incident, we may be able to help you. We’re taking cases forward now and have already launched legal action in response to the data breach.

Read More “Charing Cross Gender Identity Clinic email leak”

Private ambulances putting patients at risk?

NHS due dilligence

There has been a reported rise in the number of private ambulances in use, which is feared to be leaving patients at a greater risk of medical negligence.

It’s understood that chronic shortages are leading to many Trusts using private ambulances for 999 calls more and more. The spend on private vehicles is said to be increasing, with millions being spent in order to cover gaps in the service.

The worry is whether these private ambulances are up to the job, especially since recent studies suggests that they may not be.

Read More “Private ambulances putting patients at risk?”