Category: Claim Types

Being sent home from hospital – claim for negligence

Cauda Equina Syndrome compensation

Though some hospital admissions can arise from minor health problems, patients are often admitted to hospital when their health is in severe decline, or in cases where emergency care is required. As a result, it is highly important that doctors and nurses carefully track their patients’ recovery and rehabilitation to ensure that they are definitely ready to be sent home from hospital. As this falls within the realms of their professional duties, you could be eligible to claim compensation for being sent home from hospital at the wrong moment if your health was adversely affected.

If patients are unable to cope after being sent home from hospital, it can cause severe damage to their health, or it may even mean that they are unable to recover properly, or at all. Cases of negligent hospital discharge can be particularly serious if the patient lives alone, as they may be left vulnerable and isolated if no one is there to help them in an emergency.

Healthcare is all about risk management, and if doctors fail to do this correctly, they may be liable for medical negligence. By making a medical negligence claim, you could be eligible to recover compensation for any harm caused.

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Safe maternity unit claims disproven in maternity care scandal

hernia mesh compensation claims

With the completion of false self-assessments affecting some maternity units, a number of hospitals are now having to pay back millions of pounds to regulators. Some of the hospitals in question were already facing suspicion amid medical negligence claims and allegations of avoidable baby deaths, but it has since been confirmed that some 14 NHS trusts reportedly failed regarding at least one of the safety actions recommended. Of the 7 required to pay fines, each trust reportedly falsely claimed it had a safe maternity unit.

While the news may come as a shock to some, for those affected by poor maternity care, this development may be unsurprising. Indeed, figures have already shown just how much harm has been suffered by families due to negligent maternity services. In 2018-19, for medical negligence claims brought against the NHS, 60% of claims reportedly involved maternity care.

If you have been adversely affected by poor maternity care, you may be able to make a medical negligence claim. To discuss your case and find out more about how we could help you, do not hesitate to contact us for free, no-obligation advice.

Read More “Safe maternity unit claims disproven in maternity care scandal”

Claiming compensation for a diagnosis delay

elderly patient waiting times

When tackling medical conditions, a swift diagnosis is often key to ensuring successful treatment but there can, unfortunately, be bumps in the road that can slow the process down. Sometimes, a slow referral or a postponed appointment will not have an adverse impact on your health, but in cases where your condition worsens, you may be able to claim compensation for the harmful effects of any negligent diagnosis delay.

As medical negligence specialists, we have seen many patients let down by the people and the system that is supposed to care for them. Healthcare professionals have a duty to ensure diagnoses are made in a timely and accurate manner. If they fail in this responsibility, you could have every right to feel let down, particularly in cases where irrevocable damage is done to your health.

If you are considering pursuing a medical negligence claim, you can contact us today for free, no-obligation advice on your case.

Read More “Claiming compensation for a diagnosis delay”

Scarring injury claims

When a patient undergoes surgery, it is likely that they may develop a scar if any incisions are required in the procedure. In most cases, the scarring is a minor and normal result of the procedure, but there can be cases in which medical negligence has caused an unnecessary degree of scarring. In situations such as these, victims may be able to bring scarring injury claims.

As a result of medical advances, many surgical scars can be minimised and may even fade over time, meaning there is little evidence of the procedures that patients have undergone. However, this also means that excessive scarring can act as evidence of the errors made by a doctor.

In the worst cases, patients can endure physical pain and/or psychological suffering as a result of scarring injuries, potentially developing a negative body image. We know how difficult it can be for the victim, so we want to make sure all those affected by scarring injuries can recover the compensation they deserve.

Read More “Scarring injury claims”

Medical negligence compensation for infertility


When infertility prevents an individual’s or a couple’s ability to have children, the effects can be life-changing. To have the chance to start a family taken away from you is highly distressing under any circumstances, but it can be even more troubling when infertility has been provoked by medical negligence and could have been avoidable. Anyone who has been affected by this traumatic form of clinical negligence may be able to claim compensation for infertility problems.

Infertility can arise under many different circumstances, as the medical negligence may have arisen in the treatment of a condition that was completely unrelated to fertility. Our expertise in the area of clinical negligence allows us to closely examine all the complicated medical details to ensure you receive the best possible resolution to your legal case.

We are here to help you as best as we can.

Read More “Medical negligence compensation for infertility”

Negligence on a ward – legal advice

patient in hospital bed

Hospital wards can be one of the most fast-paced healthcare environments, with nurses and doctors forced to keep on top of many responsibilities at once. We know that the NHS has been under strain for many years, and the coronavirus pandemic  has put even more pressure on our hospitals, but these difficulties are no excuse for a lower quality of care. If you have experienced medical negligence on a ward, or if your loved one has, you may be able to claim compensation for any harm that has been caused.

Whether a nurse has failed to check up on a patient, or a doctor has failed to notice a change in symptoms, there are several kinds of medical negligence that can arise on a ward, many of which are provoked by the inattention of medical professionals. If you think you may have a compensation claim to make, please do not hesitate to contact us for advice.

Read More “Negligence on a ward – legal advice”

Claim for hernia mesh complications

hernia mesh claims

In recent years, there have been a number of worrying reports about the problems that can be caused by hernia mesh implants, which have been revealed to have a significant complication rate in some cases. While the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) still supports the use of the implants, those affected may still be entitled to claim for hernia mesh complications where they arise.

We believe that the lack of awareness surrounding the potential complications caused by hernia mesh is unacceptable in modern medical practice. Whether the blame lies with medical manufacturers, product regulators, or medical practitioners, the damage done to patients can sometimes be irreversible. We believe that they deserve to be compensated for the undue pain and injury that they have suffered.

Read More “Claim for hernia mesh complications”

No Win, No Fee medical negligence claims

No Win, No Fee medical negligence

At The Medical Negligence Lawyers, we have developed a specialism in this area of law. Our experience ranges from personal injury claims for individual clients, to huge lawsuits against medical manufacturers, such as our PIP breast implants group action. Through our expertise, we are able to accurately determine which cases we think can succeed. This means we are able to offer No Win, No Fee medical negligence representation to our eligible clients.

Many potential clients may think this is too good to be true, but our No Win, No Fee agreement is completely genuine. As long as you comply with the terms and conditions of our agreement, we can agree to write off your legal fees if the case is lost.

As firm believers in access to justice, we would not have it any other way.

Read More “No Win, No Fee medical negligence claims”

Private hospitals and medical negligence claims

lawyers advice and help

The majority of high-profile medical negligence claims are often brought against doctors and healthcare professionals working at NHS hospitals. This is because most people use the public healthcare system that we have here, but sometimes people do use private methods.

Although they may be smaller in scale, medical negligence cases can be brought against practitioners at private hospitals, and these cases can be equally valid. Some people choose to pay for private treatment to avoid lengthy NHS waiting times, or because they believe the standard of care may be higher. Some pay for elective treatment that is not offered on the NHS. Unfortunately, medical mistakes may be just as likely to happen.

In fact, many doctors keep up private work alongside NHS work. As such, there could be (in some cases) little difference between the practitioners you encounter at public and private hospitals.

Read More “Private hospitals and medical negligence claims”

Dental negligence compensation claims

dental negligence compensation claims

Dental negligence compensation claims can be extremely complex, which is why you need experts on your case.

We have simplified our negligence claims process to make your experience as easy as possible, and we are able to offer No Win, No Fee legal representation for eligible clients.

Dental negligence can be just as serious as medical negligence. Our lawyers are experts when it comes to both medical and dental negligence and we can help you get the justice you deserve. Our team has won millions of pounds in compensation for victims who have suffered from a range of types of negligence, and we are here to help you with your dental negligence compensation claims.

Read More “Dental negligence compensation claims”

Pelvic Mesh Compensation Claims

hernia mesh compensation claims

We, the Medical Negligence Lawyers, specialise in medical negligence claims, and this includes pelvic mesh compensation claims.

This is about a specific type of surgical mesh that is used to treat Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP), of which the use of the mesh has resulted in multiple concerns raised about its long-term effectiveness in the UK and, indeed, around the world

If you have had pelvic mesh surgery to treat problems like pelvic organ prolapse, you could be eligible to make a compensation claim with us. The Medical Negligence Lawyers are experts in the complex field of medical law and have years of experience helping victims claim millions of pounds in damages for these kinds of issues. We have helped victims who have suffered from the use transvaginal mesh or transvaginal tape as well as for a range of other medical product cases.

Read More “Pelvic Mesh Compensation Claims”

Medical Negligence Claim Process

medical negligence claim process

We know how damaging medical negligence can be, which is why we, the Medical Negligence Lawyers, make the medical negligence claim process simple.

Ultimately, we are here to help you to get the justice that you deserve. Let us tell you a bit about how we can help you here.

Going into surgery knowing the potential risks can be scary enough without the added complication of medical experts failing you as one example. When you suffer due to the negligence of a medical professional, we are here to make sure that you are represented for a claim for compensation for any personal injury sustained and for any losses that might have occurred as well.

Read More “Medical Negligence Claim Process”