Month: December 2020

Many Hernia Complications Arise 30 Days Post-op

pelvic mesh inquiry

In a United States-based study, it was found that the majority of hospital readmissions following hernia complications came after the 30-day post-op benchmark.

This is particularly important given that we represent a number of patients who have undergone hernia mesh repairs that have gone wrong. If the hernia mesh treatment has failed due to some form of negligence, this is when we may be able to step in to help.

The Medical Negligence lawyers is here to help you fight for your right to justice if you have suffered any hernia mesh complications following surgery, or if you feel as though you were not made fully aware of all possible options and complications.

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Outbreak of coronavirus causes 50% drop in lung cancer referrals


Following the outbreak of coronavirus in March, Cancer Research UK has revealed that lung cancer referrals have dropped by an astonishing 50% during the pandemic.

This statistic is a huge cause for concern given that lung cancer remains one of the deadliest forms of cancer, and early diagnosis is absolutely critical when it comes to the best chances of survival.

There are a number of different factors contributing to this shocking statistic, and one of the main ones is understood to be similarities between lung cancer and coronavirus symptoms. Both illnesses can cause a persistent cough, a lack of energy, and breathlessness. Patients with these symptoms could be assuming that it is simply a case of coronavirus and they may not visit their GP to check if it could be lung cancer.

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Concerns over anti-depressants prescriptions for children

anti-depressants prescriptions for children

It has recently been revealed that the NHS has issued 1,572 anti-depressants prescriptions for children under the age of 5.

This statistic seems concerningly high for children of such a young age, and further research into the effects of anti-depressants on children has shown there could be little benefit, if any, of using the drugs.

The rising number of anti-depressants prescriptions for children could be a cause for concern, as they are usually only be prescribed under close supervision. It could mean there are less children who have access to specialist mental health services. The increased number of anti-depressant prescriptions for children could be a direct result of longer waiting times for these services.

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