Month: June 2018

Gosport Hospital Deaths tragedy

botched buttock surgery

The Gosport Hospital deaths scandal is an absolute tragedy. The independent inquiry that families have been calling for for decades has finally taken place, and the outcome is disturbing.

According to the independent report, some 450 Gosport Hospital deaths could have been avoided and have been directly linked to dangerous opioid-use policies where patients were subjected to constant dosages of diamorphine; also known as heroine.

Dr Jane Barton, a GP who worked at Gosport Hospital for 12 years, was found to have routinely overprescribed dangerous and life-shortening opioids to patients which has led to potentially hundreds of premature deaths.

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NHS funding boost is not enough, senior healthcare experts warn

hernia mesh claims

The NHS funding boost is not enough, senior healthcare experts warn.

Some 100 senior NHS doctors and nurses have written an open letter to the UK Prime Minister, Theresa May, to let her know that this hugely-anticipated NHS funding boost is simply not enough.

We’ve been calling for an NHS funding boost for a long time now, and although it’s good to see that the government has finally listened to reason and accepted that the NHS is stretched beyond its means, senior healthcare professionals are downplaying the announcement on the basis that more funds are still needed.

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Staff shortages leaving patients in the hands of untrained Healthcare Assistants

hernia mesh claims

Staff shortages are reportedly leaving patients in the hands of untrained Healthcare Assistants who are forced to step in and do the jobs of doctors and nurses without proper training and qualifications.

Healthcare Assistants are, of course, vital for the care of patients, and it’s certainly not their fault that they’re having to fill the gaps due to staff shortages. But this is very dangerous. Staff having to undertake the type of care that requires training and proper supervision is leaving patients in a vulnerable position, and it’s not fair on the Healthcare Assistants either.

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The £175 genetic “Angelina Jolie” cancer test is the perfect example of prevention over treatment

drugs issues

Offering the £175 genetic “Angelina Jolie” cancer test to patients is the perfect example of how prevention over treatment can really save lives.

As we practically say in almost every single article we write, we’re aware that the NHS does not have a bottomless pit of money, and funding and resources are both a real problem right now. But, studies have confirmed that offering the cancer test that was made famous when Hollywood actress, Angelina Jolie, helped to raise awareness of a “faulty gene” linked with breast and ovarian cancer, is said to be cost effective.

This is the perfect example of how prevention over treatment should always be the primary focus.

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