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Plastic surgeon compensation

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You may be entitled to make a plastic surgeon compensation claim if the work you have had has not turned out to be as expected.

Plastic surgeon compensation cases can be difficult. This is why it’s vital that you instruct specialist medical negligence lawyers like us. Cosmetic procedures carry inherent risks, especially the more invasive procedures that many people are undergoing nowadays.

If you have suffered complications or you have ended up with an unexpected outcome, what are your rights?

Complications leading to plastic surgeon compensation

You may be able to make a plastic surgeon compensation claim if you suffer complications. However, the complications cannot be expected or inherent. If you have received warnings and signed agreements as to what to expect, claiming can be difficult.

You can claim for unexpected complications. You can also claim for complications caused by surgical mistakes or care errors.

A claim may also be valid if complications arose as a result of inadequate advice. This can stem from inadequate advice about what to expect, or where inadequate advice means you were unable to engage in proper aftercare.

Plastic surgeon compensation for an unexpected outcome

You may be able to make a plastic surgeon compensation claim where the outcome you received was not as expected.

Not all procedures are guaranteed to work, so you need to be careful about what kinds of agreements or waivers you have signed. If the outcome is deemed as unreasonable, you may have a valid claim for compensation.

Why choose us to represent you for your plastic surgeon compensation claim?

So far, we’ve recovered over £1.3m in compensation for the PIP Breast Implant action alone. This was one of the biggest plastic surgery scandals of our time.

As expert medical negligence lawyers with extensive experience in plastic surgery claims, we can help.

We can also represent you on a No Win, No Fee basis as well.

Warnings about surgery abroad

You may be able to make a plastic surgeon compensation case for surgery abroad, but it depends on the circumstances.

People need to be very careful about having surgery abroad. Just this summer we heard the news of Brazilian plastic surgeon known as ‘Dr Bumbum’ who went on the run after a patient in his care died hours after surgery.

Surgery abroad can be cheaper, but in the case of Denis Furtado, a patient lost their life.

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