Site icon Medical Negligence

Make a claim for paramedic negligence

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When we call an ambulance, we are expecting urgent, high-quality care for a healthcare emergency. In the few minutes when paramedics first arrive, they need to make important decisions about the needs of the patient, aiming to stabilise their condition and decide whether they need hospital care. The role of a paramedic is a high-pressure one, but that does not excuse errors in the care that they provide. Where emergency care has failed you or a loved one, causing health complications, you may be eligible to make a claim for paramedic negligence.

Paramedics are specialist medical professionals, so we have a right to expect high-quality treatment from them, just as we would from our doctors. This means that lapses in the standard of care they provide must be taken seriously, and can be accounted for in medical negligence claims.

If your health has been compromised due to the errors or neglect of a paramedic, it is important to seek guidance about your rights. As an experienced and specialist firm of medical negligence lawyers, we can offer free, no-obligation legal advice to anyone who has faced medical injustice

How might paramedic negligence arise?

The high stakes of an ambulance callout mean that errors made by paramedics can be highly damaging or even fatal. In some cases, time is the problem, with slow response times or delays in the provision of treatment constituting paramedic negligence in cases where they could reasonably have been avoided.

In other circumstances, the assessment of patients can be where the fault is. Misdiagnoses or administering incorrect treatments or medication could impair recovery or put the health of the patient at risk.

There are also cases in which patients are not lifted and moved with the care they require. Forcefulness or incorrect lifting techniques can injure patients, or can result in them being dropped in some situations.

Making a medical negligence claim

When we make your claim for paramedic negligence, we will first establish which of these factors caused damage to your health, after which we can consider how exactly you have been affected. This assessment of the consequences can allow us to value your claim and estimate how much compensation you could be entitled to receive.

In terms of General Damages, the amount you are awarded will increase according to factors like the severity and duration of your injury. However, you may also be entitled to a Special Damages pay-out if you have suffered financial losses and expenses. These could include lost earnings and medication expenses, for example.

Your chance to recover compensation

If you have been affected by paramedic negligence, you should not let this injustice go uncompensated. As a patient, you have every right to expect timely and expert treatment from paramedics, so a breach of duty should not be ignored.

To enquire about a compensation claim, or to find out more about how the process works, contact our expert team for advice today. Our expert lawyers may be able to offer No Win, No Fee legal representation to eligible claimants, so you have nothing to lose by calling us for more information.

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